Happy and Sad

I’m happy because our friends Jeff and Phoebe are getting married today. I’m sad that we can’t be there to love them and tell them how awesome we think they are (all while dancing and having an awesome time). We miss them terribly.

I’m happy because Candice and I made our first ever Nana’s Chocolate Sheetcake… I’m sad that there was no Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream to eat it with.

I’m happy that we had an awesome night of Mexican food and fun with our friends Nicki and Eric… I’m sad because we watched Glee with them and I realized I really liked it (I think that’s bad).

I’m happy today because our friends in Cambridge just had a baby! There’s nothing really sad about that.


  1. Glee is such a fun show! I am glad that you are coming over to the dark side, lol.

  2. I'm trying to get pictures from the wedding posted. Facebook is being obstinate...I will win in the end!! Andrew included some close up shots of David Polk's head...he thought you would enjoy them, lol. I will facebook Candice when I am successful. Love you guys!!

  3. We love Glee. BOTH of us, so don't feel bad about liking it. :) Also, the sheet cake sounds amazing. If I could mail you the Blue Bell ice cream I would gladly do so!


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